The 30 Day Challenge Has Worked for Me - Already!

August 19, 2008 | 2:44 PM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | 0 comments »

Well, I am now on Day 19 of the 30 Day Challenge and I have reached my objective: make $10 online!

Now, some of you may not think that $10 is anything to get excited about but the significance of it is this; I made that money with no financial investment of any type. I didn't have to buy a program, I didn't have to buy a membership, I didn't have to pay for advertising, I paid for nothing.

In 19 days time, I was able to do the following:

  • find a niche to market to.
  • establish a blog/web site based on that niche.
  • find a product to sell and use to test the market.
  • secure 6 of the top 10 spots on Google for the keyword(s) I chose.
  • generate growing traffic that could potentially generate much more than that $10.
To me, that is quite a list of accomplishments in 19 days time. I have been working for two years trying to find a place to hang my shingle in this business with no luck. I consider this the first step in a journey of a thousand miles! It's always hardest to take that first step, but once you get going, it should become easier and easier.

I am confident that I could take what I have learned in the last 19 days and apply it again and generate a whole new project in less than 4 hours! I am also confident that with time and repetition, I could narrow that time down to a couple of hours. And you know what the amazing part is? I still have 11 days of training left to go!

With that said, I have yet to see one attempt by these guys to sell something to those of us involved in the training. There has been no mention of any offer, product, membership site, etc. that would require an investment of anything but time. I really have to commend these guys on what they are doing and how they are doing it.

Another incredible part of the program is they are going to leave all of the training videos and lessons up after the 30 days so that those involved can refer back to them at anytime for a refresher or whatever they may need. And it's not to late for people to get involved, you could literally get caught up in just a few days if you were to start now. I would highly recommend it to anyone who was considering trying to get started in internet marketing in any way.

One of the really neat things about this program are the concepts involved can be applied to ANY online business. It doesn't matter if you are selling a product, a service, or just trying to increase traffic to your blog, these lessons will help you. And it's amazingly simple.

Now, I may sound like I am trying hard to sell this thing and that would be correct and there's a good reason for it. I have spent thousands of dollars on programs in the past that were supposedly going to help me create an online business and "start making $5,000/month!" We've all seen those offers, right? Out of all those programs I paid good money for, none contained as much information or taught me as much as this program has and I want to do my part to help others out there looking for some help. I want to help people save their hard earned money, especially with the economy being what it is today, and invest it in something that will show them real results instead of a screen clip of some unknown account that shows all the money a person has made using some "Top Secret Magic Code"!

I will be upfront and tell you that if you were to sign up for the program through this blog, I get a referral point that goes toward prizes they plan to award at the end of the Challenge, but that's it. There is no financial reward, no commission, no bonus. My main motivation is to help others out there that are like me, looking for something with some substance that will help them get started in this interesting business of online marketing.

Check it out here, you have nothing to lose but a bit of time and the potential to learn is incredibly in your favor.