Affiliate Marketing Questions & Answers

April 14, 2008 | 10:59 AM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , | 0 comments »

Since starting on this journey to find a means of making money online instead of trading my time for a paycheck in the "blue-collar world", I have come across lots and lots of different programs. Some seem interesting and others are just the typical scam or burnt out offer. While there are new programs getting offered everyday, most are just duplications of similar programs that are already out there and have been used, they just put a new face on it, call it something catchy, and re-release it. Others are just continuations of the same program but they add a number to it, i.e. "Make Money 2.0". This usually means they just refreshed the copy and graphics and are looking to market it for another round to generate some more cash. While not all of these are scams, there are just too many for the average Joe to filter through.

I consider myself one of those Average Joe's and have been searching for somewhere I can read reviews and I found one that provides just that. The Gentleman at have reviewed several programs that might be worth looking at. You can also get a FREE website through this site as well to help you start an affiliate marketing program of your own. On this site, he claims to have evaluated over 100 affiliate marketing programs that claimed to help an absolute beginner, like me, make from $300-$700 per day with no experience, no product, and no website, again all like me. If a person could get two websites that made him or her and average of $500 per day, do you know what that translates to in an annual income? $182,500/year, not bad if you can make it happen. I would be happy with half of that but would gladly take it all.

I am looking into these programs for myself and will report back with my findings. If anyone out there has any insight or comments about any of the programs listed on, please share them by adding a comment to this post.

PS Lawn Chair Millionaire Update - I have been involved in the Lawn Chair Millionaire program for a little over two weeks and I have to say it is easier than I though it ever would be. The initial placement of my ads was the most difficult thing I had to do and they are consistently providing me new leads. As of today, I have still 9 sponsored members in my direct downline but have 16 new leads in my prospect list that are getting emails daily of the benefits and potential of LCM. I haven't changed my ads or added any new ones, they are the same ones I placed initially in online free classifieds.

Money Invested To Date: $128
Profit To Date: $129.96 Direct Commission and $135/month Residual Income (Potential)

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It's been a few days since I have done anything with the Reverse Funnel System. It's not because of lack of things to read or participate in, more rather because I wanted to step away from it and see if I was still as interested in joining after separating myself from all the marketing hype. And believe me, there is plenty of hype that goes with this. I receive numerous emails daily from Ty Coughlin wanting me to jump in and get involved now, or check out this page with testimonials, or join this call to hear the stories of people just like me that are making money with the system.

Well, this morning I received one of those emails about a call, so I decided to listen in. I also decided to record it for those of you who aren't "privileged" enough to get an invite from Ty himself. Click the link below to listen to the call now, it lasts 32 minutes but it has some pretty excited people on it. People from coast to coast and from all ages, so listen in and see what you think.

Now, I have to hand it to them, it is pretty motivating to hear all these people talking about how easy it is to make money and how little they work each day doing it. It makes a person envious and stirs up those emotions that make one want to get involved right away. Now, I know that some of the people on the call are plants, meaning they are from the top echelon of RFS and making tens of thousands of dollars. One of the "plants" was Eric from Scottsdale, AZ. He is featured in the testimonials and was the main member on one of the previous calls. I call him a plant because he is probably one of those "unusual results" they put in their disclaimer. I don't mean to sound harsh about these "plants" and I understand they have a right to be there but I want to hear form the new guy, just getting going and how he's doing. I liked the testimonial fromthe 69 year old man who was previously a business owner that appeared to make him a lot of money ($500k - $1 mil/year) but sold it when he retired. He is now making a go of it with the Reverse Funnel System and Global Resorts Network. He is easier for me to relate to than Eric from Scottsdale. He took his time in getting involved (3 months) and took even more time after that to get things rolling but he seems to be doing fairly well at it. Guys like this tell me two things; one is that anyone any age is a potential buyer of this program and the other thing is people like me who tend to drag their feet a little when it comes to big purchases can still make it work.

In summary, Ty Coughlin and his "System" do an incredible job of marketing and following up with prospects. The also do a great job of motivating people who are sitting on the fence with these types of calls which they seem to have several times a week. This would be a great call to drag a skeptical prospect to to help them make the decision. I almost pulled out my credit card and bought in right there! I will hold off for just a little longer to make sure I am joining the right team. I am still getting emails from Mark Hoverson and his team and they hold similar calls like this weekly. I may post one of those for you to listen to in the future but they often include a webinar type presentation which I would have to record to give you the full effect. Stay tuned!

Money Invested To Date: $128
Profit To Date: $129.96 Direct Commission and $135/month Residual Income (Potential)

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I am officially on the right track. I have been involved with Lawn Chair Millionaire for 8 days and now am in a positive cash flow situation. I have sponsored 9 people giving me $180 in immediate commissions and $135/month residual income. I have invested a total of $128 in cash and probably in the range of 28 hours of my time. That's pretty good, all things considered. I think the appealing part of Lawn Chair Millionaire is that it has only been active since December so it's not over played yet and it really isn't that difficult to get on the plus side of things.

Here is a brief summary of what I have done to get those 9 people in my downline. I have published classified ads in about 17 different online venues. All of these are free venues so it comes at an affordable price. I have spent some time on HitSafari and EasyHits4U surfing for credits to get my ads displayed, this is real easy and a little monotonous but a cheap and easy way to get some hits. I have, obviuosly, advertised Lawn Chair Millionaire on this blog with links and banners and have actually generated some traffic from those. The best part about LCM is their campaign tracking program that allows you to see just where your hits are coming from so you can do more of the good stuff and eliminate the non-productive campaigns.

This little taste of success really gets me excited and I am now starting to keep my digital voice recorder by my bed at night because I have woke up several times with ideas on how to market this and had no way or recording it or writing it down to review the next morning. My wife thinks I am crazy but hopefully it will pay off enough for her to understand. For now, I will be as quiet as possible when I record my ideas or it may be painful. I tend to get less sleep when I get in these kinds of modes because I can't seem to shut my mind off fully at night, it's always churning and working. I can't go like this forever, but a few more good ideas and I'll be happy and can then find a way to shut it off.

On a sadder side of things, I learned today that my company is laying off some people because of the slow economy. This is both sad and nerve racking because, while I made it through this round of cuts, you just never know when the hatchet is going to come down on you. More reason to try hard to make something like this work, right. Keep checking back to see how many more I can add in the coming weeks. Subscribe to my feed so you don't miss an update, it could help you to see how things are going for me before you make a move into one of the many advertised programs out there.

The way I see it, if I can sponsor 9 people per week that's $720 per month in direct commissions and an additional $540/month in residual income. And that's what I am shooting for, residual income. I want to get to the point that I have enough residual coming in to cover all my expenses, that way everything else is gravy! A guy has got to have goals, right?

Money Invested To Date: $128
Profit To Date: $129.96 Direct Commission and $135/month Residual Income (Potential)

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Well, after some extensive research and countless hours scouring the various forums, blogs, and web sites, I have made my decision. I signed up for the Reverse Funnel System last night. Now, I wasn't expect things to really take off right away but I decided to stay up late and place some ads as they recommended. It really wasn't too difficult and the cost was reasonable so I figured "why not get started?" I then went to bed and didn't sleep very well because I couldn't get my mind to stop working. I was brainstorming all night on ways to make this thing take off and really work for me. I got up this morning at 4:00 am to get started in my advertising campaign, checked my email and, to my surprise, I had already earned $2,000 in commissions! I thought I was dreaming for a moment but after several pinches, some cold water in the face, and a minute or two, I realized it wasn't a dream. This is amazing! This thing really works, and works well. All I did was follow the easy to understand instructions on placing ads and BAM! I made a quick two grand!

Unbelievable?! Well, it is... APRIL FOOLS!!! I haven't joined RFS yet and am still undecided as to which way I will go. I am almost certain that I will join Global Resorts Network but just not sure who's team I will be a part of. The reason I can say that I am certain I will join is I think it is a remarkable value for the price and since my wife and I like to travel, we could benefit form the membership alone. If I can find a way to turn it into an income generator, all the better!

On a more serious note, I sat in on a "newbie" call last night for Mark Hoverson's team and found it quite interesting. The title of the webinar was "How to Avoid Rookie Mistakes, and Get Started FAST with Global Resorts." The things that were discussed were the top 5 mistakes "newbies" make when starting out in GRN, all of which made good sense and were accurate. The webinar was hosted by Mark Hoverson and one of his affiliates named Debbie. Debbie is new to GRN but apparently is doing really well. She initially discussed how she got started and her reluctance in making the jump to internet marketing. She talked about how she went to the beach to make her first video, which appears to be an important part of Hoverson's marketing plan, and ended up wasting all the daylight trying to muster up the courage and find the words. She eventually gave up a went back home to try another day. Well, she finally made that video, now has a web site set up, and is able to find the courage to lead a webinar for over one hundred people. Debbie used a Power Point presentation to go through her information and, not to be harsh, but it was primitive to say the least. What this showed me is that you don't have to be a computer or marketing genius to get this to sell.

I consider myself to be above average in computer literacy and I can handle my own in Photoshop, HTML, and Power Point so if Debbie can do it, so can I, and maybe even a little better. I have generated some really unique ideas on how to advertise this and I will be testing them for the first time with this program. I will post about the results and share with you all the outcome and income. Check back often or subscribe to the feed to stay up to date on my progress and profit.

Money Invested To Date: $128
Profit To Date: $29.96 (Potential)

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