I sat in on a conference call the other night with one of the top performers in the Reverse Funnel System, Eric W. Eric is on the testimonials page for RFS and has worked with Ty Coughlin in the past. He seems like a normal guy, says words like "dude" and uses phrases like "right on" a lot. Also on the call were several people like myself who still have questions or reservations about joining Global Resorts Network. While there were a few questions from people on this call that were answered in all of the emails and web page text if they would have looked closely, Eric was patient and went through it all with the caller to make sure it was clear. I really appreciated his ability to put everything in layman's terms and his honesty. While I can't be 100% sure he is an honest guy from one phone call, I do think you can tell when someone is trying to sell you and when someone is just trying to answer your question. Eric wasn't trying to sell us, he was simply there to clarify any questions we callers may have had.

I learned a lot on this call and not about GRN or RFS, but more about the demographic of the people this program reaches out to. To sum it all up, it reaches out to all walks of life from all parts of the country. There were people on this call from all corners of the United States and from all levels of income. One lady had a sad story about her child being in a terrible car wreck that broke his neck all while she was going through a nasty divorce leaving her with little disposable income but she was determined to find a way to get involved. It is determination like that that makes this country great!

While the jury is still out for me on this program, I have been brainstorming on how I could set myself apart from all the other people out there selling this and have come up with quite a few ideas I think may work. I won't share those with you yet, but if I join, I will tell you everything and whether it works or not.

Just a quick update on Lawn Chair Millionaire, from simply placing free classified ads with several online services, I have sponsored 4 people who joined to get their share of the MoneyLine Pool. I am now in a positive cash-flow situation, I get $20 commission on all four of those people plus $15/month residual income. Added with my MoneyLine commissions, I have paid for my initial enrollment fee, can cover the fee for the debit card, have enough residual coming in to cover my $29 monthly fee, and will put $29.26 in my pocket after the first month. I am now officially a successful internet business owner! Now, assuming I don't add another person to my downline, I will still net $31/month residual income. I don't care if you're Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki, you can't knock going from $0 to $31 in residual income in less than a week with little effort or expense. I am excited about this and will now try to place a few more ads and increase my exposure and see what happens. Join now and get a piece of it, it's simple! Lawn Chair Millionaire!
Oh, by the way, LCM has a campaign tracker in their back office where you can track the various campaign and see which ones are performing and which ones are duds. This is a great tool which I check regularly and will use to replicate successful ads in other places.

Money Invested To Date: $128
Profit to Date: $29.96 (potential)

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Search and Ye Will Find!

March 26, 2008 | 8:15 AM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , | 0 comments »

In my relentless research and search engine queries for information on RFS, GRN, and other affiliate programs, I stumbled upon one that caught my eye. Lawn Chair Millionaire promises to pay you your first commission the first day you are a member. Well, I am here to tell you that they came through. I received an email this morning telling me that I had been paid. While it wasn't a $1,000 commission, at least it was something. I have made my first dollar on the 'net! And I have a guaranteed commission coming to me next month and the month after and I haven't done anything but sign up. But... There seems to always be a "but..." doesn't there.

Anyway, to join it is a $49 membership fee and then a $29 monthly maintenance fee. My commission from signing up yesterday is $12.69 and my guaranteed commission for next month will be, at least, $15.32 and the month after $18.23. That totals to $46.24 minimum. I signed up late in the day and the site leads you to believe that the earlier you sign up, the bigger chunk of the pie you get for that day. If anyone has any input on that, feel free to comment about this post below.

Now, the commission structure works like this: if I directly sponsor someone, I get a one time $20 commission for their commitment and then a $15/month residual commission as long as they stay active. If my math serves me correctly, I need 2 directly sponsored people to sign up under me to cover my monthly fee. They offer some unique products in a section they call "The Vault" which offer bigger paydays. One kicker is you have to be a member of their program or purchased their system to get those commissions. Again, if my calculator is correct, a person would need to invest $660 more to be able to sell the items in "The Vault" and get paid for them. One of those, as best I can tell, requires a monthly fee of $100 to stay active. In the Vault are two ForEx trading systems, one virtual sports betting system, and one futures trading system. If a person were to sell one of each of the items in the vault they could make $307.50 with some opportunity for residuals.

The exciting part is when I checked my back office part of LCM, I found that I had already accumulated 225 people in my downline. I have never had 225 people in any downline, let alone one I didn't have to work for. What this does for me personally is yet to be seen. None of them are "direct downline" members, but I haven't done anything more than enter my info thus far.

One of the things they don't tell you up front is they only pay with by crediting your debit card (which they set up for you). No checks, PayPal, eGold, wire transfer, etc. You have to pay another $49.98 for set up and shipping.

All things said and done, to sign up and get paid, a person needs to invest $127.98. I will receive a guaranteed commission of $46.24 which leaves me in the hole $81.74. I need to recruit 4 people to cover this expense and then I will have $60/month residual coming in. May sound like it's an upside down program but Rachel Long, who is a member of who's-who of the internet marketing circles, has over 2100 sponsored members. That means she makes over $31,000/month just on residuals. Wow! Surely I can get four people, right?

Money Invested To Date: $128

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In all of my many hours of research and efforts to find out more information on RFS and GRN, I opted in to a few lists and one of those lists was Mark Hoverson's. I wanted to get my hands on a "FREE" report he was offering. With that "opt-in", I was added to his autoresponder and no receive emails almost daily. One of those emails, which I received today, was Mark asking me " What's your impression of the reverse funnel?" Come to find out, Mark is a member of Reverse Funnel System, or so it appears, and has his own little website. I was aware he was a member of the "TruthtoWealth" Team but not RFS. Here is his link to RFS: http://www.thousanddollarprofits.com/hoverson

Now, don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with this and I think it proves he is a smart business man. He hasn't placed all his eggs in one basket and has diversified his offerings which increase his chances for success. I like the way he thinks. I am curious as to how it all works out in the end, meaning, which one pays him more. It appeared to me that all of his videos on YouTube were for "TruthtoWealth" and I didn't find any for "RFS." One thing is for sure, he is a firm believer in Global Resorts Network and perhaps "RFS" is how he got his start in it to begin with. If you want see how much enthusiasm this guy has, check out his videos here. Perhaps he felt, like many others I have run across in my many hours on Google, that the $299/month web site was a bit steep? Or perhaps he felt there was a better way and decided to venture out on his own and find it? One question I would like answered would be, does he use the same member number for Global Resorts Network in both systems?

Well, Mark, if your reading this and you get any hits on your website from it, I want a finders fee. Since I don't have a link of my own yet to post, I can only solicit a "finders fee" and not a "commission."

While I will continue to research this more, $3k is a lot to drop without doing your homework, I will be making a decision in the coming week. Check back often to follow me on my trek to set my family and myself free from the "vacuum" of trading time for money.

Subscribe to my full-feed RSS at the top of the right sidebar or by clicking here. Since this blog will document the trials and tribulations of looking for and committing to an online business, if you are looking as well you could benefit from my experiences. If you are at all interested in the Reverse Funnel System or Global Resorts Network and are on the fence about whether to join, this blog is for you.

Money Invested To Date: $50

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Research, research, research....

March 23, 2008 | 9:03 AM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , , , , | 0 comments »

Well, I spent most of yesterday researching "Reverse Funnel System" and "Global Resorts Network" and these are my thoughts up to this point. The "Reverse Funnel System" seems like it has mostly positive feedback on Google and on most forums. While I was able to find some negative posts regarding Ty Coughlin and RFS, most of those were from skeptics and not actual people who had participated in RFS. Most of the posts seemed to be by people who had been burned in the past by other programs or people who assumed it was a scam and the only person that was making money is Ty Coughlin. Now, keep in mind, there are a lot of people on these posts defending the RFS system and they are obviously members and are working the system. As of right now, I am still undecided on RFS.

As for Global Resorts Network, I am actually kind of excited about this program. not just for the compensation plan, but more for the savings on accommodations at resorts. The wife and I like to travel and I can really see this being a value to us. The best I could tell, if you use two weeks from GRN you could easily pay for your membership fee. While we would like to travel two weeks a year to a nice resort, we simply can't manage that right now with two young kids and the existing budget we are living on. Remember, I don't have enough money for beer let alone a week in Cabo San Lucas, even with a big discount.

I was able to find other ways or teams to join GRN through and in all actuality, a person could join GRN directly through GRN. But I am leaning toward joining under a team that provides some support and advertising coop or training. One of the "teams" I was able to do some research on was one that a fellow named Mark Hoverson is a memeber of. If you do a YouTube search for Mark Hoverson, you will find numerous videos from Mark talking about GRN, RFS, and the pros/cons of each. Mark is definitely doing well with GRN and if you watch any of his videos you will see why. He comes across as a very likable guy and seems to have all his ducks in a row. Mark is a part of the "TruthtoWealth" team. "TruthtoWealth" seems to offer the same kind of support that RFS does but for a fraction of the expense. Don't get me wrong, you will still need to purchase a GRN membership for $2,995 but their web site and virtual assistant tools are less.

I will continue to do some more research and if you have stumbled across my blog because you are doing the same thing, feel free to post your comments if you have found anything I haven't talked about or may think would be relevant.

More Later.

Money Invested To Date: $50

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The Presentation!

March 22, 2008 | 10:34 AM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , | 0 comments »

OK, I watched the presentation. It took all of the requested hour to view all the information and videos as well as listen to Ty's audio. Now, when I paid my $50, I thought I was going to get a report on how to make money online using the Reverse Funnel System. I was excited right away when, shortly into the first audio from Ty, he promises access to 7 revenue streams. This got me excited because if you are anything like me and have been looking for an online business to supplement your income, you have probably ran across plenty of reports or books that all have recommended having multiple streams of income. This seemed to be right in line with that concept. As the presentation continued, I was presented with my first revenue stream, Global Resorts Network.

Global Resorts Network (GRN) is just as it sounds, a network of resorts all over the world that offer incredible discounts for weeks of accommodations (avg. $298-$699/week). Now, I will admit, there are some nice resorts in their list. The kicker is it costs $2,995 to join GRN plus a $100 yearly maintenance fee. So to get started, it's a total of $3,095. That is a big nut to cover to get started but if you vacation a lot and like to stay at 4 or 5 star resorts, accommodations could cost you as much or more than your membership fee for one weeks stay which would make this a no brainer.

Now, the commission structure with GRN is generous but a little confusing. You get $1,000 for every person you sponsor after the first one who joins under you. What this means is for your very first sale, you get nothing because they call this your "qualifier." This "qualifies" your first level. This happens on every level of depth to your matrix. The commission from the first person to start a new layer goes to the house, those above you. But everyone else that hits the level, you get paid on. Now, I can see a real opportunity to make some money and see how they can advertise making $20,000/week. I think there is the potential there but just how much effort, how much time and how much money you would have to spend (i.e. on AdSense, PPC, Banners, etc.) to get there is yet to be seen. One of the promises made by Ty Coughlin is that they will show you where and how to place all your advertising to get traffic and make sales. One question I have at this point is, like all MLM programs, there comes a point in time when saturation is met and makes it difficult to make the kind of money as all those who joined early do. I wonder if GRN is close to that point or if there is still room to get in? I will do some research on this.

While I do have the money to invest in this, if I were so inclined, I can't get to it right away. I have to transfer these funds and it takes a few days to get this accomplished. This is a great way to prevent an impulse buy and if I would have had easy access to this money I would probably be a member of Global Resorts Network right now. The presentation, testimonials and all the sales copy were pretty convincing!

But, since I didn't have easy access, I was forced to wait. I have since done some more research on GRN and if you Google "Reverse Funnel System" or "Global Resorts Network" you will get plenty of hits. There are a ton of videos on YouTube about it all. There are some made by members of RFS that show their back office and show just how much money they have made. There are also some videos of people who are members of GRN but not via the RFS. They, too, are making money with the product. I call it a product because that is exactly what it is, a product that you sell and get others to sell below you. It is a typical MLM setup but with a little more equal commission system. You get the same commission as the person who is three levels above you on each sale. I haven't seen a MLM ever that offered that type of commission structure.

Well, I haven't committed to join GRN so I wanted to see what the next revenue stream may be. But it appears that you can't move on to the next revenue stream unless you accept the first one. This part is a little disheartening. I haven't even been given an affiliate number to advertise RFS and try to bring in leads. This is really strange to me because everything I have seen in the past, they give you an affiliate number right away so you can start bringing in more affiliates. Perhaps this is because they don't really have anything else to offer and make all their money off affiliates joining and not the products or information they are offering??? RFS seems to be different.

In conclusion, I am in a holding pattern right now with the Reverse Funnel System and Global Resorts Network. I will check back in after a couple of days to let you know what I have decided to do. Right now, I am going to continue my research about all of the above.

Money Invested To Date: $50

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I Have Been Approved!

March 20, 2008 | 7:36 PM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , , , | 0 comments »

Well, I just got my email telling me I have been accepted into the "inner circle" of the Reverse Funnel System. I am going to sit down and study the information presented in the next step, it's recommending that I set aside an hour of uninterrupted time to get through it all. I'll report back when I am done.

Money Invested To Date: $50

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The Beginning

4:44 PM | Posted by "The Unknown Affiliate" | , , , , | 0 comments »

I have set this blog up for a couple of reasons. First off, I am tired of my job. Don't get me wrong, the job itself isn't bad it's just the fact that I am away from my family all week. I work on two projects in our state and the closest one to my residence is 120 miles away. The furthest one is 217 miles from home. With gas prices being so high, it makes no sense to commute everyday so I stay in a hotel. With that said I have been searching for a way to work from home, make as much money or more as I currently do, and have more time to spend with my kids.

I have searched thousands of web sites, blogs, forums, etc. looking for that one thing that will set me free. I have spent a lot of money on a lot of crap thinking "this is it!" when in fact it was sh*t! Now, I have signed up for a program that I have seen ads for numerous times but never looked at. That program is Ty Coughlin's Reverse Funnel System. Perhaps you have heard of it, perhaps not. I have applied to be a Joint-Venture partner with Ty and am awaiting news on whether I have been accepted to work with them or not. Evidently, they don't take just anybody. I am excited about this and plan to make the best of it, do everything they recommend, work it hard, and see what I can do to make it work.

The second reason I started this blog was to document my success, or failure, at implementing this program, if accepted. I plan to post at least once a day and document my progress, my actions, money spent, and money made. I want to detail every step I take to let you see just how well things are going and how long it takes me to turn a profit and if the system is all it's claimed to be. This will be an honest and unbiased diary of everything. Now, don't think for a second that I will be revealing any of the secrets or methods or material that Ty provides as part of his program, that would be unethical and illegal.

Now, perhaps your wondering why I chose the name "Money-4-Beer" for my blog. Well, it's simple, not long ago, after being gone all week and a unusually taxing week at work, I got home and all I wanted to do after kissing my wife and kids was to sit in my recliner and drink a beer. I went to the refrigerator and opened it up and I had no beer. What disappointment. I then decided I would go to the store and buy a six pack so that I could sit in my chair, relax, and tip a few back. I checked the balance in my checkbook and I didn't have enough money to even buy a six pack of beer. I thought to myself, "how pathetic. Here I work all these long hours, travel all over, am away from my family all week and I still don't have enough money for a six pack of beer." I was putting all of my money into my gas tank or the hotel and restaurant industry while I was traveling. The real depressing part of the story is, I had ten days to go before I got my next paycheck. It was at that point forward I decided I needed to do something different. I needed to find another way. From then on, it has become my mission to find something that I could do part time and make some extra "money-4-beer."

So there you have it, the beginning of a new blog where you will be able to watch my progress on this new journey. You will see all of my successes and failures (hopefully these will be limited) and judge for yourself if;

  • I actually made an honest effort to make it work.
  • the system does what they claim.
  • the time invested is worth the profit.
  • it might be worth a try for you or someone you know.
With that said, my next post will be to let you know if I was accepted or if I have to find another plan.

Money Invested To Date: $50 (pending approval of application)

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